climb aboard the disco inferno ye weary traveller

in commemoration
for those before us

terribly strange
within making a page
i find awful
awful similarites between
them and me

mosaics of faces past
captured in low resolution
i check the guestbook
of a deaf girl
its about space
her grandma left a mark
'so proud, hugs and kisses'

i shed a tear
it drops onto my screen
blurs the html i worked on
and have been for a few days

(i realise its probably the same
simple format they used)

because in sickly
sickly comparison

i see my own reflection
in the pages of those faces
i ache for the ones who
were never archived

i ache to remember who i
never had the possibility
to know

i am but a star in what
would be the dark night of

and you're only a freckle
on the face of the billions
before you